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Sweeping your System > Running a sweep > Reviewing and quarantining items

Reviewing and quarantining items
After the Webroot software runs a sweep, it opens the Quarantine panel, similar to the following example.
The Quarantine panel provides details about detected items, as described in the following table.
Quarantine Details  
Summary panel (left):
List of potential threats that were found. All items are automatically selected and ready to be moved to Quarantine.
If you turned on the Automatically quarantine viruses detected during sweep option, the Webroot software does not list files with detected viruses in this panel. Instead, it automatically places them in Quarantine.
If you performed sweeps previously and already set some items to Always Ignore or Always Quarantine, those items are counted in these fields, but not listed in the panel below. For more information, see Managing detected items automatically.
Item Details panel:
Name of the item currently selected in the list. The Webroot software automatically pre-selects all items in preparation for moving them to Quarantine, except those listed as a rootkit. Items with a green check mark next to them will be moved to Quarantine once you click Quarantine Selected.
Type of item currently selected in the list, such as “Spy Cookie.” The Glossary includes definitions for many of the categories.
Risk Rating
Red bars show the risk level of the selected item. The more bars shown, the higher the risk, as follows:
—Very high
Traces Found
Number of traces found related to this item. Traces are the individual elements that make up the definition database.
Description of the item. For more information, click View More Details Online.
You must be connected to the Internet to see the additional information.
You can select items to move to Quarantine, which is a holding area where potential threats cannot harm your computer. Moving items to Quarantine does not permanently delete them; you must manually delete items from Quarantine. You can also specify that certain items stay in their current locations and remain active.
To select items and move them to Quarantine:
Review all items listed in the Quarantine panel:
To see more details about an item, click on the item name in the list. Details appear on the right. If you need more information, click View More Details Online to connect to the Webroot Threat Research Center (you must be connected to the Internet).
To see the location (full path) to the traces found, click the arrow next to an item.
Determine which items you want to remove or keep. Items with a green check mark will be moved to Quarantine. If there are any items that you want to keep, click on the box to remove the green check mark. You can also use the Deselect All or the Select All links at the bottom of the panel.
If you aren’t sure what to do with an item, the safest action is to move it to Quarantine, where it cannot harm your computer, but can also be restored if necessary.
If you know you will always want to ignore or quarantine an item for future sweeps, you can right-click an item and select Always Ignore or Always Quarantine. For more information, see Managing detected items automatically.
If you want to quarantine a rootkit, make sure you click on the box to add a green check mark. If you are uncertain whether the items listed as rootkits should be quarantined, contact technical support for assistance (see Requesting Technical Support).
Click Quarantine Selected to move all selected items (with a green check mark ) to Quarantine.
The Webroot software first encrypts each trace, removes it from its original location (so it will no longer run), then copies it to Quarantine. Items are not permanently deleted during this process.
If Webroot Internet Security Essentials is able to clean the file (remove the virus safely), it keeps the cleaned file in its original location and sends a copy of the corrupted file to Quarantine. The cleaned file is safe to use; the file in Quarantine is not safe to use.
The quarantine process can take several minutes or longer depending on the number of traces and the speed of your computer. When finished, the Webroot software opens a summary panel (see Viewing the sweep summary). Once items are quarantined, you can leave them in Quarantine, restore them (if necessary), or delete them. See Managing quarantined items.
Some detected items require that you download and use an additional tool to completely remove them from their original locations. If this is the case, the Additional Tools Required panel opens during the quarantine process. (You must be connected to the Internet to download additional tools.)
To download and use an additional tool, click here for instructions:
From the Additional Tools Required panel, click the Download link to download the tool to your computer.
The Webroot Web site opens in your Web browser.
Follow the instructions on the Web site to download the file that contains the tool.
Make a note of where you downloaded the file on your computer.
Follow the instructions on the Web page to install and use the tool.
From the Additional Tools Required panel, click Finish.
The Home panel opens.

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